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Emmi Pet at Tidy Tails
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The Revolutionary Teeth Cleaning Service

Dental care is vital for your pet to have a happy, healthy long life, and can prevent dental disease and even organ damage. 


Dental disease is an increasingly common issues in our pets, with 80% of dogs being affected over the age of 3 (JoAnna Pendergrass, 2019), and it can have extremely serious consequences. Affecting the gums and teeth, long term it can greatly affect the mouth structure of your pet. Plaque build-up begins to harden and become tartar, harbouring more and more bacteria. But tartar doesn't just affect the part of the teeth we can see - it can also penetrate under the gumline! Your pet could experience severe pain and become quite uncomfortable. 


If your dog doesn't yet have build-up, now is the best time to start to prevent dental disease. We can also help to break down areas of tartar on plaque existing on your dogs teeth. 


We can only offer treatment and removal of visible plaque and tartar, and cannot advise regarding dental disease and issues inside the mouth. It's always best to get a vets advice if you are unsure about the health of your dogs mouth. 



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Ultrasound Technology

Unlike traditional toothbrushes, Emmi-Pet uses the power of ultrasound to clean your pets teeth. It's gentle, effective, and completely silent, making it a stress free experience.

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Painless & Non-Invasive

No more struggling with aggressive brushing or expensive, stressful dental visits to the vet. The ultrasonic waves penetrate deep in the gums, removing bacteria and plaque without causing discomfort. 

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Suitable for All Breeds

Wether you have a tiny chihuahua, or a massive mastiff, Emmi-Pet has different sized heads and is designed to accommodate pets of all sizes. 

Healthy teeth are essential for every furry friend. 

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